Finding Hope & Strength - An Interview With Meredith Hodge
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This interview with Meredith Hodge is a part of our “Finding Series.”
Our goal for this series is to cultivate a whole-hearted, passionate pursuit of knowing and loving Jesus no matter the season of life.
Did you know that those who follow Christ will experience high-pressure waiting, discouraging circumstances, physical or emotional isolation, and a relatively harder life here and now than those who don’t follow Christ?
The truth is, I didn’t know… Sure, 5 years ago I would’ve acknowledged that Christian suffering happened, although I would’ve denied it being the norm. But Jesus said in Mark 10:29-30 that there is no one who leaves everything “for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life.” [ESV, emphasis mine]
Also, Paul says “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,” (2 Timothy 3:12 ESV).
Sounds to me like a Christian should not be surprised when they suffer.
Maybe this is where you find yourself now.
In the middle of a deep, hard trial.
Where do you turn when you have no strength? Is there any hope? These are the questions I’ve asked over several years as I struggled through the loss of my son, infertility, and delayed adoption.
One incredible resource I found was Meredith Hodge from Grace and truth radiated from her writing as she shared both her heart and the truths God was teaching her. It was like she got down into the ditch with me and pointed my eyes upward to the Morning Star.
I am so excited to share this interview I did with Meredith Hodge!
It’s actually perfect timing as my husband and I are experiencing some high-pressure waiting on God.
Thanks so much for doing this interview with me, Meredith! For the first question: What are your top 3-5 sources of encouragement when it comes to waiting on God?
God’s Word tells us over and over how we are to wait well! So my first source of encouragement is to read Scripture, discover it, drench myself in it, and apply it.
Three fantastic books on waiting include: “Hope When It Hurts” by Kristen Wetherell and Sarah Walton, “Seasons of Waiting” by Betsy Childs Howard, and “Trusting God” by Jerry Bridges. I also love heading over to Desiring God and Unlocking the Bible, where there are tons of fantastic, solid, biblical articles.
I love “Trusting God” too! It’s definitely time for me to re-read that one. Haven’t heard of a couple of the others, I’ll have to look those up!
What do you do to keep your heart encouraged / focused on the unseen (2 Corinthians 4:18) when circumstances are discouraging?
It’s crucial to continually stay in God’s Word, otherwise it’s easy to focus only on what is seen, temporary, and perceived. Asking my sisters in Christ (friends, small group, fellow ministry leaders) for prayer is a burden-reliever. I also began seeing a biblical counselor last year during some very low points of grief, anxiety, and depression -- she was instrumental in leading me back to the truth, exposing my unbelief and irrational thoughts, and equipping me to fight the battle well.
When I am struggling to keep my heart focused, I ask myself questions like: “What am I believing here that doesn’t line up with the truth of God’s Word? Is this what God says about me/his children/himself?” Similarly, I’m learning that I’ve given too much credit to the Enemy in the past -- and I refuse to do it now. Sometimes suffering is just evidence of living in a fallen world and not necessarily an evil attack. Satan isn’t as powerful or clever as we tend to think. Don’t give him credit that isn’t due him!
Lastly, I try to “grace hunt.” I will go for a walk, or simply sit in my backyard, and meditate on the many evidences of grace God gives. For example: Observing the color of the sky and the flowers. After the fall of man, God could have kept everything dry, arid, brown, gray. Yet, in his grace, he still gave us so much beauty. How amazing! It’s one of unending graces we can find if we stop and look around. Grace hunting helps me focus on who God is, what he has done, and what he will do in my life. It’s an invitation to thank, praise, and yield.
This is a gold mine, really. Each of those things you mentioned, Meredith, are sustainable sources of encouragement since they are sourced in the Fountain Of Living Waters - Jesus. I appreciate you sharing your sources of people speaking Truth into your life. I highly recommend a biblical counselor, even for “preventative” or “maintenance” help.
The culture I grew up in attached shame to counseling - as if somehow asking for help meant I wasn’t able to work out my problems with my “personal walk with God.” But I’ve recently realized 2 things: 1) We all have big problems and 2) God didn’t save me into isolation but into His family. I’ve had to realize there’s no shame in seeking help from a solid Christian, but it actually needs to be more common as we grow in the body of Christ.
I love what you said about questioning yourself and going on “grace hunts.” I want to be more intentional about incorporating these into my life.
How did you get started with your website/blog?
I started my blog in 2015 with the mission to provide Gospel-centered encouragement to those struggling with infertility. For so long, I had participated in infertility online forums and chat rooms, read surface level devotionals — but most of them left me feeling hopeless, empty, and isolated. Over time, the Lord has graciously revealed to me that infertility is not my identity. My identity is found in the saving grace of my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. I rejoice that not only can I say it, but I can believe and live it. He alone has given me strength to overcome the sadness, grief, anger, and anxiety of this complex journey.
My hope is that I can encourage others to maximize their faith and find rest in the path our sovereign Creator has gifted us. This blog is evidence of his grace and transformation, and my heart’s primary desire is to see other women grow in Christlikeness and come to a saving faith in Jesus if they already haven’t.
Well, let me encourage you that you’ve definitely been a huge help to at least one person (me! 🙋🏻♀️).
What do you enjoy most about your website/blog?
Though it’s easy to fall into the trap of desiring an abundance of followers, likes, subscriptions, comments, etc., I enjoy the quality over quantity of women I have connected with. There are women from all over the world that, though I have not met, I can call true sisters and friends. They have grown me through biblical truths, supported me in my lower moments, and celebrated with me in my victories. It isn’t easy pouring your heart out online and putting your vulnerability out there for the world to read, so the strength and encouragement I receive from them is priceless.
I just read your latest blog post "Knowing God Through His Name" and absolutely loved it! I found it especially helpful how you showed these names are fulfilled in the Trinity.
From what I’ve seen, most people are either about to go through, are currently in, or are just coming out of suffering. And personally, when I’m in the midst of a trial, I struggle to think clearly and biblically.
Can you walk us through the connection between a Christian woman’s knowing God’s name and character (like you shared in your post) and her ability to endure suffering?
I, too, struggle to think clearly and biblically when I am in the midst of trials and suffering. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit groans for us when we can’t find the words! There are four promises within God’s very name that can bring any sufferer comfort, strength, and peace:
God is Jehovah-Raah, “The Lord My Shepherd.” He cares for, guides, protects, and leads His wandering sheep. He has compassion on us in our propensity to wander and in our helplessness. We can trust Him because He willingly laid down His life for His sheep, carrying our iniquities to reconcile us to a holy God.
He is Jehovah-Jireh, “The Lord Will Provide.” He provides earthly life and breath, and eternal life. He gives abounding grace; the ability to escape temptation; heavenly rewards; good and perfect gifts; and every need according to the riches of His glory in Christ. We can trust that He will provide for us.
He is Jehovah-Shalom, “The Lord is Peace.” With “peace,” the word “shalom” also means “to be complete or sound” and “absence from strife.” Believers have the utmost shalom: peace with God through Christ. We can rejoice that, not only has He given and continues giving peace, but He himself is our peace.
He is Jehovah-Shammah, “The Lord is There.” Though Jesus physically departed from the earth after his death, He ascended into heaven with assurance for us: “I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:20). In his place, the Holy Spirit was provided to dwell in the Church and His people forever. He is there within us, teaching, helping, convicting, and interceding for us. And as we apply this promise to our present lives, we are fueled by the Spirit’s power. He is there!
The name of Jesus brought salvation, and was given dominion, glory, and kingship, so that every people, nation, and language should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed. Let’s rejoice!
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Wow! That’s amazing! Thanks so much, Meredith Hodge, for your time and for sharing your heart!
I hope this was as much as an encouragement to you as it was to me!
Comment with your thoughts
What stood out to you in this post?
How would you answer some of these questions?
As a mom who’s suffered the loss of my baby, I know deep heart pain.
I tried to run from God, but he convinced me of his love and comforted my heart with hope and healing in Jesus.
Now, it’s my mission to share this same comfort with others who’ve experienced the pain of miscarriage and infant loss.